A best laid plan is only as successful as the implementation that occurs under the direction of the plan goals. Implementation can only truly be achieved if the plan has a component for measuring the success of the implementation efforts. The following information will guide region’s stakeholders as we implement the plan and measure the success of that implementation.


Measuring successful implementation efforts is outlined to follow a multi-pronged approach through this framework. The utilization of communication through meeting discussions, the monitoring of data and utilization of integrated data platforms, and efforts in economic development support activities will all play a part in determining how successful we as a region are with these implementation efforts.

It is important to note that efforts are not always immediately successful. There will be some objectives that may need to be approached differently, necessitating revision of the idea to define a different method of approach. These types of revisions should be met with conscious realization that although success was not achieved, much was learned regarding approach, so the effort was not a failure.


The establishment of prioritized goals and ranked objectives by the Task Force Members, with responsible parties and time-frames set for each, provides the first avenue toward measuring success. The Regional and County Level Task Force Groups are encouraged to continue to convene through the coming years. Discussions at these meetings will surely include various subjects, but one theme that should carry from this CEDS forward is a discussion of the short-term goals and what steps have been taken by responsible parties in meeting the objectives under those goals. As a group, Task Force Members and the organizations they represent should advise on adjustments to objectives if a certain approach is not successful. They should also offer to lend expertise or direct assistance if they are able and familiar with an approach that make be useful. Continuation of and participation at Task Force meetings will outline successes and difficulties with implementation efforts allowing for the first measuring of success.


Appendix A offers an in-depth view of each individual county’s trends within our region. The data displays figures on population, employment, median income, poverty rates, and individual industry sub-sectors growth or decline among several other datasets. Trend lines were added to each graph and percent change for the most recent years of data in the tables was calculated. The establishment of this data over a time-frame of almost fifteen years allows for benchmarking of the data. As the CEDS is updated periodically, additional years of data (as available) should be included in the graphs and tables. Inclusion of this data will allow for new trend lines to be placed and for percent change columns to be updated. Monitoring of the adjustment of trend lines and percent change provides a good method of measuring success against specific data categories. The use of the new StateBook API integrated into our website will provide an opportunity to establish the benchmarks to the most recent data. As datasets are updated they will be included in the platform, allowing for almost immediate updating of the trends.


Lastly, an obvious measurement of success stems from the completion of objectives that leads to the necessity to establish new goals and/or adjustment of objectives and time-frames. These measures of success will stem from meeting and communicating, but are separated as they will move beyond the need for revision of an objective or identifying a different approach to meeting success. As goals and objectives are met, they should be cataloged in an appendix in order to track through future revisions for a true understanding of how the region has embraced the CEDS and the implementation of the goals and objectives.